Eager Young Slut Bamby Gives Up Both Her Tight Fuck Holes (18+)
10 years agoEager Young Slut Bamby Gives Up Both Her Tight Fuck Holes (18+)
10 years ago
Sponsored by I Am Eighteen
I Am Eighteen
She might be young, but all young slut Bamby can think about all day is getting fucked! While she's supposed to be studying with her older tutor, all she can do is imagine his thick cock sliding into her. She sits on the sofa next to him, fully aware of his gaze flickering down between her bare legs, where her panties are tantalizingly visible. She smiles as her tutor pushes her back on the sofa, the books falling to the floor as cutie strips and spreads her legs, welcoming the older male's hard shaft inside her dripping wet pussy. She even gives up her ass, letting the stud swap back and forth between her holes however he likes. (18+)
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